NagasakiCity > Index > Museum > Exhibition > Japanese

Outline of the Exhibition and Facilites

A. August 9, 1945
As a prelude to the main exhibits , this section introduces the scenery and customs of Nagasaki just before the atomic bombing. A clock that stopped at 11:02 a.m., the moment of the explosion, is displayed to show how the people was destroyed in an instant.

B. Damages Caused by the Atomic Bombing
By exhibiting the devastating scene of Nagasaki just after the atomic bombing, this section provides visitors with an understanding of the fearsome destructive power and horrors of the atomic bombing.

C. Toward a World free from Nuclear Weapons
This section provides visitors with an opportunity to think about issues related to war, nuclear weapons and peace in order to realize a world without nuclear weapons.

D. Video Room
Documentary films related to the atomic bombing are shown. The faclities include a Q&A corner regarding the atomic bombing and peace, and a reference system to find documents such as Nagasaki's Peace Declaration.